Friday, June 17, 2016

meet... Gordy Kaiea Sells

Gordy was born on 6/9/2016 at 8:47am.  He was 7lbs 8oz and 19.5 inches long (the birth center measured him at 21 inches, but the pediatrician did a more accurate measurement, and only came up with 19.5).  He had a full head of hair, big dark brown eyes, and very well-developed lungs which he began using the moment he came out.

The birth story...
After our 42 week appointment, we agreed to schedule an induction for Thursday night of last week.  My amniotic fluid was getting low, and there we no signs that Gordy was planning to make his arrival.  It seems that the idea of induction either scared my body into labor, or coincidentally, Gordy was ready, because I went into spontaneous labor Wednesday afternoon.  My contractions went from being 5-6 mins apart and lasting 45 secs to a minute, to being 3 mins apart and lasting 1-1.5 minutes by 11pm.

We arrived at the birth center in Kailua at midnight and although I made it in the door to check in, I spent the next few minutes on the floor curled up in a ball in my underwear having a contraction.  The next 8 hours are a bit of a blur... each hour I was sure that the pain couldn't possibly get worse - it did.  Lots worse.  I think I set a record for most vomit bags used (yeahy?).  I labored in bed and then in the tub, which I think helped to relieve a bit of pain.  I tapped out at 9.5cm dilated which is unfortunate because apparently I do not have any other options at that point other than to stick it out and wait till 10cm.

At 8am, I reached 10cm and was given the thumbs up to push.  It was such a relief to be able to push, but it was a whole new type of pain and exhaustion.  Thankfully, I only had to push for 47 minutes before Gordy made it out and Todd announced that it was a boy!  They laid his grey, screaming body on my chest, Todd cut the cord, my mom took a ton of photos, the doctor collected the cord blood for donation, and then she delivered my placenta (which was super cool and insanely disgusting).

We are both so excited about our new little boy!!

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