Growth Log

Date Age (in) Weight (lbs) Length (in)
6/9/2016 0 days 7lbs, 8oz 21in (we think this was incorrect)
6/13/2016 4 days 8lbs, 3oz 19.5in
7/13/2016 5 weeks 11lbs, 0oz 22.5in
8/12/2016 9 weeks 12lbs, 11oz 24.25in
10/20/2016 4.5 months 15lbs, 6oz 26.5in
12/14/2016 6 months 16lbs, 8oz 27.5in
4/4/2017 10 months 18lbs, 12oz 29.5in
7/3/2017 13 months 19lbs, 7.6oz 31in
9/11/2017 15 months 20lbs, 6.4oz 31.75in
12/9/2017 18 months 21lbs, 0oz 32.25in
6/9/2018 2 years 22lbs, 8oz 34.5in
8/31/2018 2 years, 3 months 23lbs, 13oz ---
6/13/2019 3 years 27lbs, 0oz 36.5in
6/9/2020 4 years --- 39in
1/4/2021 4 years, 7 months --- 40.5in
4/16/2021 4 years, 10 months 35lbs 41in
9/5/2021 5 years, 3 months --- 41.75in
6/14/2022 6 years, 0 months 37lbs 43.625in
7/24/2023 7 years, 1 months 43lbs 46.25in

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