Saturday, March 25, 2017

Fa la la la la

I had no idea that there were such things as baby music classes... but there are!  And, Gordy and I went to our first one the other day in a small studio in Wahiawa.  We listened to music, sang songs, danced, and played with musical instruments.  Most of the other kids were a bit older than Gogo, so they joined in.  Gordy, on the other hand, did a lot of staring with his mouth open, laughed at times and cried/whined other times, and did his best to eat/slime all of the musical instruments.
The highlight for Gordy seemed to be when the instructor brought out a box of egg shakers for a song.  He had one in his mouth the entire song and he nearly lost it when she took all the eggs away in preparation for the next song.
All in all, I think it was a pretty good experience for him.  He really liked being around a bunch of other kids, he liked most of the music, and he had tons of fun playing with all the new toys/instruments.  Maybe in a few months when he's a little older we'll go back for another class :)

Wednesday, March 22, 2017

water baby

We don't make it to UH often, but anytime we're in town, we try to get a swim in with our UH friends.  One of the best things about the UH pool is that the lifeguards will usually let Gordy hop in for a swim at the end of free swim :)  Here's a few photos (thanks Elliot) from our last UH pool play session:

the tunnel

A week or so ago, our little family of three was loaded up with balls, caps, etc. heading to our water polo game on a Saturday morning.  As we were driving down Wailaua Beach Road, I happened to notice a garage sale with something that looked like a crawl through tunnel.  So, I made Todd pull over and for $10, I bought a baby lifejacket, a baby blow up pool, and a tunnel!  Gordy isn't super stoked on the blow up pool yet, nor does he like the lifejacket, but the tunnel was a huge hit!  He crawls back and forth through that thing multiple times a day :)

Sunday, March 12, 2017

9 months old

Happy 9 months Gordy!
Gogo is crawling all over the house (nothing is safe anymore), and he's just recently been pulling himself up onto anything that is sturdy enough to hold him.  His top two teeth popped through, so we've stopped letting our fingers get anywhere near his mouth.  
And, if we thought he was a chatterbox before, boy were we wrong... he was just getting warmed up!  He babbles non-stop now and even sings anytime we run the blender.  One of the funniest things that he's started doing lately is... well, it's hard to explain, so here's a video:
Gordy has such a funny personality.  He's so animated with everything he does, he's so happy and playful... we love our little guy.

Saturday, March 4, 2017

standing man

It seemed that the crawling phase happened over night, and we are getting the feeling that walking is not far away...
Note that the curtains are tied up in knots... not because it's trendy, but because Gogo is pretty sure that he needs to try to pull them down on his head.  Gordy has been getting particularly bold about pulling himself up on EVERYTHING and he'll even take steps if we'll hold him up by his hands!

Now that he's mobile, it's gotten quite hard to wrangle him into eating much solid food unless we are holding him and feeding him each bite.  So, we found a high chair that has become one of our new favorite things!  Gordy gets super excited when we put him in it (he makes lots of yummy noises - see the video below), we both have free hands, and we have it positioned so he can eat while watching the traffic on Waialua Beach Road.
Finally, waterpolo season has begun and even though Gordy isn't that stoked on the bulldogs holding him (sorry Lorena!), he's enjoying his role as the team mascott - especially since we've been letting him get in the pool after each game :)
A much needed nap after a day at the pool: