Sunday, October 27, 2019


Gordy's Sunday swim class finishes at 11:50am and he's usually hungry after.  So, on our drive home, he pacifies his belly will some kind of nut and dried fruit snack.  Today, about halfway through our drive he yelled out "Mommy, I can't get my blueberry, it's stuck!".  Assuming he'd dropped one (which is fairly typical), I told him to calm down and that we'd find it when we got home.  He then replied, "But, it's in my nose!".  WTF?!?!  

I made an abrupt turn off the highway, put the car in park, ran to his side of the car and peered up his nose, to see a wrinkled dried blueberry lodged quite deep up the right side.  So, I used a toothpick that I found in the center console to rotate it while pushing with my fingers from the top.  And, after a sneeze, a few good blows, and some toothpick action, we managed to dislodge the berry.  After I pulled it out, we sat there looking at the snotty thing while I lectured him about putting things in body pukas... the only thing he had to say about the event was, "Can I eat it now?".