Tuesday, December 31, 2019

happy end to 2019

So many great times in 2019... looking forward to all that 2020 will bring!

Wednesday, December 25, 2019

quite a happy holiday

Gordy LOVES holidays, and Christmas is definitely at the top of his favorite holiday list.  For the last few weeks, all he could talk about was Santa and presents, pineapple and Christmas lights.  He would wake up each morning asking, "Is it Christmas today?".  And then, when he learned that it was not, we would go through the same line of questions - How many days until Christmas?  Can I open my presents?  Can we see Santa?...

Since he was so excited about it all, we took him to the mall to see Santa for the first time - which he loved!  He gave him knuckles and asked him about his reindeer.  
Gordy and Nana went to town to see the Honolulu City Lights and to ride on the trolley.
We brought our living Christmas tree in from the garden and decorated it with lights and ornaments.
We baked sugar cookies and painted them - as was my granny goodwitch's tradition.
We wrote a letter to Santa asking him lots of questions including: (1) Do you give whisker pies? (2) What do your reindeer eat?  and (3) Can you bring me some pineapple please?
And, we left out some cookies and milk out for Santa with the letter and some fruit salad for the reindeer.  (Mall Santa said that the reindeer liked carrots, but we didn't have any.  So, we decided that the reindeer might also like fruit salad.)
Finally Christmas day was here and Gordy bounded out of bed right past me without a hug or much of a good morning to check to see if Santa had come.  He politely asked Daddy if he planned to get up to participate or if Gordy should begin without him and then he tore into his stocking looking for dried pineapple.  All in all, it seems he scored on his gifts and of course - Santa did leave some pineapple for him.
Mele Kalikimaka!