Sunday, January 19, 2020

so many trucks

Gordy loves things that go - trucks, constructions vehicles, boats, emergency vehicles, airplanes, helicopters, trains, rubbish trucks, monster trucks, etc.  Sometimes, he'll line them all up in some sort of organized manner to proudly display his "collection".  Todd is pretty sure that Gordy has way too many, but Gordy couldn't disagree more.  

Monday, January 13, 2020

i love you mommy

I'm pretty sure that I have the sweetest kid on the planet.  At least once per day, he's been cuddling up to me, giving me a squeeze and sometimes even a kiss and then he'll say, "I love you mommy".  My heart melts every time. 

Thursday, January 2, 2020


Nana was given the ok to give Gordy his first pet (a fish) for Christmas, so she kitted him out with a mini tank that she doesn't use anymore, a filter, two decorative monsters, rocks of his color choice, and a promise to take him to the pet store where he could pick out his new friend.  A few days ago, after getting his tank all set up, we took a trip to the pet store and came home with "Melemele". 
Gordy absolutely loves his fish - he feeds him twice a day, he talks to him (and even makes the voice of Melemele talk back to him), and he turns the tank light on and off each day so Melemele can "sleep better".  He even gives him fish kisses!