Thursday, August 20, 2020

Gordy's theory of redistribution of wealth

Yesterday, our family of three was on our way to Waimea to enjoy the last few hours of sunlight when we heard a news story on the radio that caught Gordy's attention.  The story was talking about the number of people who have lost their jobs/businesses due to the pandemic and are struggling to put food on the table.  Gordy asked us what they were talking about and after we did our best to be honest and tell him the truth, he paused for a minute and then said, "maybe we should give them some of our money".  There are many reasons that we are proud of our human, but his kind, caring, thoughtful, compassionate, empathetic heart is very close to the top of our list.  

Gordy - our world needs more people like you.  Don't ever change.

Sunday, August 2, 2020

still isolating...

Our island began opening up recently and, of course, COVID cases are on the rise.  We went from 0-10 cases per day to 100+ per day in a a matter of weeks.  Awesome.  So, we continue our isolation...

We've still been going to the beach a few times a week,
We've found an old face painting kit and have found new ways to use it,
Lots of bike rides around the street, on the trails at turtle bay, down to Crozier to see the animals, etc.,
Hikes up Kealia,
And lots of "Ohana Hugs".
We don't see an end to this new way of life anytime soon, so we are settling in for the long haul.  

Saturday, August 1, 2020

hurricane douglas

Hurricane Douglas (category 1) came barreling towards Hawaii last weekend and was projected to come very close to Oahu.  We were all told by various news stations to do any necessary shopping, to put away and tie down anything that could get blown away due to the 80+ mile/hour winds, to trim trees, to board up windows, watch out for flooding, stock up on water and gas, and to prepare for what could be a serious storm.  The worst day for us was projected to be Sunday at about 8pm.  
So, in true Todd Sells fashion, we did nothing until 9am on Sunday when we saw how close and strong the storm was.  We then spent the next 5 hours trimming our trees, making a last minute run to Costco (turned out to be a great time for a shop as there was no one there), cleaning up our downstairs, tying up the rubbish bins, etc.  As the day went on, we experienced on and off sprinkles and very little wind.  

Then, while watching the 5pm news update, they showed how "unpredictable" the ocean was while showing a video of rock piles - the ocean looked a bit wild, but what stood out to us was the gorgeous GOGO pool!  So, we packed up, suited up in wetsuit tops, grabbed a boogey board and headed up for some fun.

In the end, it turned out that our island was very lucky.  The hurricane took a slight turn to the north which resulted in almost no wind and very little rain.  Lucky indeed and we are even more happy that we made the effort to enjoy the beach!