This month is bug month at Gordy's online school. He's been learning the difference between insects and arachnids, he's been told to investigate around our house to see what kinds of bugs we have at our home (we have lots), and he learned more about the process that caterpillars go through to change into a butterfly. His teacher even offered for the kids to pick up a monarch caterpillar from her garden to keep and watch the transition. And, while we've cared for a few other types of caterpillars, we've never done a monarch - so we picked up a little guy and brought it home. After two weeks of feeding, watching, and waiting, our butterfly finally arrived! And, the best part was that it hung around with us for about 8 hours before finally deciding to fly away.
At one point, the butterfly was hanging out on Gordy's belly watching cartoons with him, and it decided to climb up towards his neck - Gordy was less than thrilled because the feet actually do grab your skin quite a bit.
All in all, it was a great experience. So great, in fact, that we got a small milkweed plant from his teacher that we will plant in our yard to attract/feed future monarchs. Yay for bug month!