Tuesday, September 21, 2021

it's a date

Gordy has been making friends at school and each day he comes home and tells us about the fun things he and his friends did together - play tag or hide-and-seek at recess, build towers with blocks during indoor play, etc.

One person we hear about on a fairly regular basis is Alia.  So, when she and her mom stopped us after school one day to ask about a future play date, Gordy and I took down their number and started planning a covid friendly adventure.  We settled on a hike out at Kaena point and Alia and her mom confirmed.  All day the next day, Gordy asked how much longer till we got to go.  He was ready 30 minutes early, and he could barely stand the wait during our drive out there.

Once we arrived and started our hike, the kids spent the next hour climbing dirt hills and boulders, running around in the tree fort, and chasing after each other down the paths.  After we finished, we all went to Army Beach and let the two of them run around in the sand/water.  

The whole thing very much felt like Alia's mom (Marielle) and I were chaperoning their first date - which seems a bit weird for 5-year olds.  Marielle said that prior to meeting us, Alia wanted her hair done in a fancy bun and she put on her lip gloss - so cute!  And, while I'm glad that Gordy and I both found some nice new friends, I'm hopeful that I have a few more years before I have worry about him dating...

Friday, September 17, 2021

the sickness took us all down

 The good news is that Gordy seems to have fully recovered from being sick (whatever that sickness was).  The bad news is that now Todd and I have it.

Gordy's third day of being sick was the roughest.  His fever was still up, his tummy was still very sensitive and he just seemed exhausted.  He was so nauseous that he ended up spending a half an hour prior to dinner sitting at/on the toilet in case he threw up.  He refused to go to his bed or even to lay on the floor near the toilet because he was so sure that he was going to throw up.  After about 30 minutes watching my poor little guy struggle, I saw his arm twitching and realized that he'd fallen asleep.

We left him on the pot for a bit to let him really fall asleep and then we gently transferred him to his bed with a bowl by side in case his tummy woke him up.

After a 13+ hour sleep, Gordy woke up feeling much better the next morning.  It seemed that his body had fought off the sick bug and was pretty much back to normal.

A few days later, I came down with what seemed to be the same bug, and sadly, it's lingering in me with congestion, fatigue, and an ear ache.  To make matters worse, Todd went downhill yesterday.  

We did not get Gordy tested for COVID this time around because the doctor said that his symptoms did not sound like COVID.  However, now that we all have it, and each of our symptoms are a little different, it seems like the right thing to do to go and get the test.  So, we are all going to Wahiawa for to get our brains swabbed tomorrow.  Fun times.

Monday, September 6, 2021

regular sick or covid?

With Gordy now in school, he's exposed to so many more things (good and bad) than he's ever been before.  Some of those things are sicknesses which is a little scary during covid since he's not eligible to be vaccinated yet.  Yesterday afternoon, he spiked a fever of 103, had a tender/painful belly, and his eyes burned.  Pre-covid, we'd have assumed it was just the flu and we'd have treated him with motrin/tylenol, fluids, rest, and cuddles.  But, with covid running around and so many unvaccinated idiots in our area, we can't help but worry that he may have it.  

So, we called the doctor to get their opinion.  The regular doctor was a bit worried about his tender belly, so she forwarded me onto the ER doctor for another opinion.  Sadly, it was just our luck that Todd's favorite (not!) local moron doctor happened to be the ER doctor dolling out advice.  He was pretty adamant that we bring Gordy to the ER which we took to mean that we should keep him home.  (I'm actually somewhat convinced that he wanted us to bring Gordy in so he could hang out with Todd.)  

Ultimately, we are happy with our decision to keep him home.  Not only do we not like going to hospitals, our HI hospitals are very full with covid patients and it seems like a good idea to avoid them, if possible.  Plus, his tender tummy seemed to go away with the motrin along with his temperature.

Gordy's temperature spiked again last night at about 3am.  So after a throw-up, a dose of medicine, a cracker and some water, we got his temp back down and him back to sleep.  He's been pretty normal so far this morning - ate breakfast, peed, and was up and walking around a little.  It's almost "more medicine time" and we are noticing him slowing down a bit more.  His temp is back up to 101.5 and he's seeming a little lethargic.  So, we'll just keep giving him motrin, fluids, and cuddles.  

We also will likely go do a test at some point today to check for covid. I guess there's not a whole lot we would be doing differently if he did have covid, but we'd want to make sure that we really isolated him and ourselves from others and, we'd be on the looking for any long lasting symptoms.  If he does have covid, at least he'll have some immune protection for the future.