Saturday, August 20, 2022

what's a movie theater?

Thanks to COVID, Gordy had never been to a movie theater... until recently.  For his birthday, his Auntie Cynthia and Uncle Fred got him a movie ticket which Gordy knew right away that he'd use for the new Minions: Rise of Gru movie.  So, we found a day after school when the movie was playing early and we went for his first movie theater experience. 

There was only one other person in the entire theater, so we basically had the place to ourselves.  We got a couple of small bags of popcorn, reclined in our chairs, and enjoyed our movie.  

The movie was a little "scary" for Gordy's liking, but he handled it like a champ and he is pretty sure that we should go back next time there's a good movie playing.  Thanks for the birthday gift Cynthia and Fred!

Friday, August 19, 2022

parent night

After a few weeks of attempting to pry information out of Gordy about the exciting events of 1st grade, the school had a parent night where we could go to his class, meet his teacher, and let him show us around.  He took us to the library and showed us where he his section of books are, he showed us where he spends his recess time, he took us to his classroom and showed us his desk, his organized desk contents, where he puts his backpack, artwork on the walls, and everything else he could think of to show us.  

His teacher (Ms. Vatovec) had lots of nice things to say about Gordy, and Gordy gave us a puzzle that he had made us which we all put together (a drawing of our family each of us colored in our favorite colors).

Based on what we saw, it looks like Gordy is having a wonderful time in first grade and hopefully we get more opportunities to visit Gordy's class in the future!

Sunday, August 7, 2022

1st practice, 1st game, 1st goal

Today was Gordy's first soccer game with his official I9 team.  The kids practiced for 30 mins and then went straight into a game for 30 minutes.  With about a minute left in the game and down 1-0, he accidentally scored a goal (he says he meant to kick the ball out) ending the game in a tie.  The kids couldn't have been happier about their performance and Gordy says that soccer is his new favorite sport - even better than tee-ball and jiujitsu!

Most importantly, the games/practices are a 2 minute drive away from CORP (our pool), so we are pretty happy as well.