Since the last post, Gordy's fever continued to go up and then go down with drugs. So, we took him back into Kaiser on Monday. The doctor spent an hour running through scenarios and treatment options before finally landing on the following:
1. Swabbing Gordy's nose on one side (deeply) for a respiratory panel which tests for a ton of different viruses.
2. Swabbing the other side of Gordy's nose (even deeper) to hopefully grab some mucus and send it to the lab for a culture to see if any bacteria grows. When the swab of his brain was unsuccessful, Gordy simply blew his nose into a tissue and the doctor swabbed that... so... maybe no need to swab his brain if he can blow his nose?!?!? (F@$*)
3. Start him on a z-pack because of the near certainty that he has a sinus infection (still or again).
The next day, I went to my doctor for my symptoms and she prescribed me a z-pack as well. While at the doctor, Gordy's respiratory panel came back positive for the metapneumovirus. Apparently, it's not typically a bad virus, but with our weakened immune systems, it hit us hard.
Today, Gordy's culture results came back positive for the haemophilus influenza bacteria. This bacteria is what's causing his sinus infection. So, the culture is now being tested for sensitivity to antibiotics so that we can make sure that we are on the proper medication to kill this beast.
Long story short - we contracted a virus at the beginning of September. We then developed bacterial sinus infections that were likely not killed by the previous antibiotics. Then, we caught another virus which took us down. Then, once we completed the previous antibiotics, the bacteria grew again. Gordy and I have made it past the second virus and are just working on getting rid of our bacterial infections.
Why the doctors didn't want to do a culture (EVEN WHEN I ASKED THEM TO) weeks ago is a mystery and is very frustrating.
Culture sensitivity results are expected in 2 days... we wait and take our z-packs.