Wednesday, October 30, 2024

ulu tree

6 months into our Olohio adventure and we finally put an ulu tree into the ground!  Our friends down the road donated it to our farm, and we spent Sunday evening clearing out a dead lime tree and some guinea grass (not california grass) in order to locate it in the perfect spot.  Now we just have to wait 2.5-3 years (according to google) for our fruit to appear!

For those who don't know what an ulu tree is, it's breadfruit.  The large, green fruit grows from the tree branches and can be easily picked with just your hands.  We usually leave it outside to drip it's sap for a night and then we wash it, coat it in olive oil, wrap it in aluminum foil and then bake it at 350 degrees for 40 minutes.  It can then be chopped up and eaten as is (tasting like a potato), or it can be chopped, tossed with spices and more oil, and baked again at a higher temperature to make fries, which is Gordy's favorite.  We also put the fruit on salads once cold, put it in burritos and chilli... it's delicious almost any way you eat it!