Friday, December 30, 2016

weird stuff

We both love Gordy very much... but he does some weird stuff.  

For instance, ever since he discovered his hands, he's done this bizarre thing with them where he holds them away from his face and turns them side to side.  There have been times where he'd just sit staring at his own hands completely entranced for seconds.  So, we started mimicking him.  At any moment, we can get his attention and make him smile by holding one (or both) hand out in front of him and rotating it back and forth like a pageant girl's wave.

Another weird thing that we noticed recently is how Gordy reacts to whistling.  We were watching something on tv that was talking about George Michael, so Todd started whistling "Freedom!".  Gordy smiled ear to ear and then bowed his head down so his chin was touching his chest like he was being bashful.  We thought it was funny at the moment, but now, every time Todd whistles anything, Gordy reacts the same way... by smiling and bowing his head.

Thursday, December 22, 2016

just the right mix

From the moment Gordy was born, everyone asks us, "who does he look more like?"  Occasionally, we see a bit more of Todd or a bit more of me in him... but, most of the time, we can't tell.  We feel like he's just a pretty good mix of us both.  Gordy just looks like Gordy!

Here's all of our 6 month baby photos for comparison:

Wednesday, December 21, 2016

first tooth

Gordy's first tooth popped through today!  It's his lower front one on the right hand side.  It feels like a small, sharp piece of sand that is stuck to his gums.  So exciting!
And, as excited as I am about his first tooth, Gordy is much happier about the fact that he got a new swing for the deck.  Every time we push him, he lets out a crazy squeal of excitement that almost sounds like we are torturing him.

Saturday, December 17, 2016

soggy doggy

Gordy has a bit of a mom-attachment problem... which is fine, except that it's hard for anyone else to get him to do things like nap without him crying.  So, we did some research and we read somewhere that it can sometimes be helpful to introduce a stuffed animal that babies can form an attachment with.  We randomly chose a stuffed dog that our friends (Tofu and Kara) gave us, and we think it's working to some extent.  Gordy loves the dog.  He cuddles it, and sucks on it so much that it's ears, tail, and parts of it's face are all crusty from his dried saliva.  We've named him "soggy doggy".

Friday, December 16, 2016

favorite books

One of Gordy's favorite things to do these days is to read books - or really, have us read books to him.  He even has a handful of books that he'd listen to a hundred times in a day if we'd read them that often.  To keep myself sane, I'll occasionally try to slip in a non-favorite book, but he almost never tolerates it.  I usually can't make it past the first page or two before he starts whining/grunting and will start physically searching for one of his favs.  The books on his favorite list at the moment are:  Brown Bear Brown bear what do you see?, The Itsy Bitsy Pumpkin, Geckos Surf, Never Touch A Monster, Alphabet Zoo, Little Fish, Diving For Fun in Hawaii, Alligator to Zebra ABCs, Good Morning Engines, and Zoo Babies.

Thursday, December 15, 2016

Gogo loves to GO!

Gogo is such a perfect name for our little man.  If he could figure out how to crawl or walk, he would be on the move for sure.  As it stands, his mobility is currently limited by our willingness to GO.  However, we do our best to get him out and about as much as possible.  At the moment, he's not fussed about his mode of transport, but he definitely prefers the front pack or the jogging stroller so that he can look around as he travels.
As exciting as the outing is, he usually ends up passing out...

Wednesday, December 14, 2016

"whisker pies"

Todd has fond memories of his dad tucking him in at night and giving him a "whisker pie" snuggle with his 9pm shadow.  So, the tradition lives on!... Only, Todd doesn't have to shave every day, so his "whisker pies" are often times more furry and they seem to happen more frequently throughout the day.  Gordy is so lucky ;)

Monday, December 12, 2016

6 months old

Last Friday was Gordy's half birthday and he is turning in to such a little man!
He can almost sit up on his own from laying flat, and once he's sitting up, he has good enough body control to stay there (generally).  He's not super safe to leave unattended anymore because he has taken to rolling.  He's eating a fair bit of solid foods now and there doesn't seem to be anything that he won't eat.  He loves to have books read to him, and he even has favorites that he'd prefer to have read over and over again.  He's been really liking being in the front pack lately - he gets nice and calm and will usually fall asleep while in there.  Cardboard boxes have become fun toys for chewing on, sitting in, and putting toys in.  We have always played "I'm gonna get you" with him, and recently, he's started opening his mouth to "get us" back.  He mostly just slimes us, but we are pretty sure he's "getting us".  

Sunday, December 4, 2016

the best noise in the world

I will do almost anything to hear Gogo laugh.  It's truly the most incredible noise in the world.  He opens up his mouth showing off his gummy grin, and this chuckle straight from the gut comes rolling out.  Every time he does it, I spend the next 5 minutes doing whatever it was that made him laugh over and over again, until he's sick of it.
Luckily for me, it seems as though everything is hilarious to him lately... so I don't have to do much to get him to crack up!

Saturday, December 3, 2016

teething, but no teeth

At every opportunity, Gordy will find something to gnaw on.  A toy, a blanket, a hand, a chair armrest.. he's not fussed about the item.  He just constantly wants something in his mouth so he can rub his gums all over it.
We frequently feel like we are slime receptacles.  And, even without teeth, he seems to be able to chomp down hard enough to hurt us.  Let just hope that he doesn't get too carried away (especially once those teeth start poking through), otherwise, he might not be allowed his/my milk anymore.