For instance, ever since he discovered his hands, he's done this bizarre thing with them where he holds them away from his face and turns them side to side. There have been times where he'd just sit staring at his own hands completely entranced for seconds. So, we started mimicking him. At any moment, we can get his attention and make him smile by holding one (or both) hand out in front of him and rotating it back and forth like a pageant girl's wave.
Another weird thing that we noticed recently is how Gordy reacts to whistling. We were watching something on tv that was talking about George Michael, so Todd started whistling "Freedom!". Gordy smiled ear to ear and then bowed his head down so his chin was touching his chest like he was being bashful. We thought it was funny at the moment, but now, every time Todd whistles anything, Gordy reacts the same way... by smiling and bowing his head.