Monday, December 12, 2016

6 months old

Last Friday was Gordy's half birthday and he is turning in to such a little man!
He can almost sit up on his own from laying flat, and once he's sitting up, he has good enough body control to stay there (generally).  He's not super safe to leave unattended anymore because he has taken to rolling.  He's eating a fair bit of solid foods now and there doesn't seem to be anything that he won't eat.  He loves to have books read to him, and he even has favorites that he'd prefer to have read over and over again.  He's been really liking being in the front pack lately - he gets nice and calm and will usually fall asleep while in there.  Cardboard boxes have become fun toys for chewing on, sitting in, and putting toys in.  We have always played "I'm gonna get you" with him, and recently, he's started opening his mouth to "get us" back.  He mostly just slimes us, but we are pretty sure he's "getting us".  

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