Wednesday, February 15, 2017

8 months old

Happy belated 8 months old Gordy!  Things have been a bit busy around here lately, so this posting is a week late.  But, Gordy made 8 months old!
And in the last month, he has changed so much... not only has he started crawling, but he has figured out how to open cabinets and drawers.  So, nothing is safe.  We are doing our best to try to show him what is off limits and what is ok to play with, but it is a very slow and sometimes frustrating process.  He has started waving, although most of his waves are reserved for when he sees himself in mirrors and windows.  He's getting very confident with pulling himself up and standing.  And, he's learned that he doesn't just have to sit back and let us get/tickle him - he gets us back with an open mouth, a slimy tongue, and his super-sharp teeth!

We are looking forward to all that the next month brings :)

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