Saturday, August 26, 2017

let's play - just no hugging

Yesterday, Gogo and I met our neighbors (Karen and baby Sanoe) at the beach so the mommies could hang out and the kids could play.  Even though the kids are only a few months apart in age, they've never really seemed to be very interested in each other.  In fact, I think it's much more accurate to say that they flat-out ignore each other.  Until yesterday... They were sitting in the sand talking (another language) to each other, pointing to things, sharing sticks, etc.  Sanoe even tried hugging Gordy, but he wasn't thrilled with the squeeze.  It was the sweetest interaction between two babies I've ever seen!  It even seemed like the two of them had forgotten that we were there and were completely caught up in playing with each other - until the hugging part, then Gordy was all pau! 

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