Monday, October 23, 2017

pumpkin picking

Todd and I are pretty sure that we only have another year or two of not having to do much in the way of Halloween before Gordy gets old enough to care.  So, we won't be doing any trick-or-treating or costumes this year.  However, when we heard that a little place down the road called The Red Barn was having pumpkin picking and a kiddy band, we decided to spend our Saturday evening enjoying the festivities.  

Gordy had a blast!  I'm not sure which part he loved more - climbing on pumpkins
raking the lawn
playing peek-a-boo with Fela
chasing birds
playing with bean bags
picking flowers
or listening to the music by Uncle Wayne and the Howling Dogs.
The event was so much fun that we are planning on going back next month for their November celebration!

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