Saturday, May 12, 2018

23 months old

We are nearing to the 2-year mark and I can't believe that it's all gone by so quickly.

In the last month, Gordy's talking has really improved.  He's gone from a word here and a word there, to 3-word sentences!  His most frequent conversations usually include, "Mommy, huge poop!", "more bar please", and "more big truck!".

He loves music.  He loves listening to it on tv, the radio, his keyboard... anywhere and any kind of music.  He'll throw his hands up and will bounce around to the beat.  He's also still pretty interested in his ukulele and plays it frequently.
He's learned to jump with both feet getting air off the ground.
He still loves tractors, trucks, playgrounds, bike rides, toddler time at the library, the beach, Snowflake, and possibly most of all - Nana!  Most moments of the day, he's my little shadow and will throw a lip if he doesn't get to cuddle with me after his nap.  But, throw Nana into the mix and mommy-who?
He's still really good about trying new foods and after trying something a few times, will nearly always be happy enough to eat/drink it again.  He still loves to read and be read to and knows lots of his books by heart.

We love you our little man!

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