Tuesday, June 9, 2020

4 years old

Gordy made 4 today!!!
For the last month, he's been telling anyone who would listen that "my birthday is coming up soon and I'm going to have a party and all of my friends are going to come over!".  That was a no go with COVID still around, so we did the next best thing - we created a Gogo Ninja Warrior course around the house that included a rope swing, a target for water balloons, some balance beams with coconut weights, a basketball hoop, a tricycle track, etc.  

We opened his presents and I'm still not sure that he could tell anyone which item was his favorite.

We had birthday waffles for breakfast with a candle and singing (at his request).  We went to the Haleiwa fire station where we got to see Uncle Bruce and got a tour of the truck and equipment.
We went to Nana's house to swim in the pool ( Gordy ended up throwing the most insane tantrum he's ever thrown... which resulted in no more pool and a timeout).  And finally, after a serious attitude adjustment and a nice apology, we ended the night with a quick dinner, some ice cream with sprinkles and an early bed. 
Happy Birthday Gogo - we love you!

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