Thursday, December 31, 2020

Merry Chrissy COVID -19 style

With a new strain of the virus now in the US and cases on the rise, we are doing our best to keep to ourselves and stay as safe as possible.  So, our holiday was a very mellow and small celebration.  Keeping with tradition (we miss you Granny Goodwitch) we made painted sugar cookies that we then handed out to our mail lady (Ivonne), our rubbish man, our neighbors, tenants, and a few close friends.

We brought in our living tree and decorated it with lights and ornaments.

We did an advent calendar for Gordy and, while it was a big hit, it was a lot of work.  We went to the stadium for the Christmas lights show and had a picnic in the back of the truck - thanks Nana!

We had Nana over for a salmon Christmas Eve dinner complete with tickly drink and a sunset on the lanai.

We left a cookie and vino out for Santa and carrots for the reindeer.

And, then we opened our stockings and presents.

All in all, we had a wonderful holiday.  Mele Kalikimaka!

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