Saturday, March 6, 2021

Townies for a day

Todd happened into a job doing some "COVID theater" for a photo/video shoot in Waikiki, so Gordy and I tagged along.  We brought our bikes which turned out to be an incredibly good decision because Todd took the car and went off to work leaving the two of us on our own in the heart of the tourist strip. So, we slept in, went walking in search of breakfast and coffee, went back to the hotel for some pool/hot tub time, and then hopped on our bikes to go check out the town.  
We enjoyed a nearly empty zoo for the last hour before it closed.
We went to the Health Bar for an acai bowl and veggie wrap both of which Gogo loved!
We found some cool trees to climb around in at Kapiolani Park.
And, we found a cool playground with swings (which is rare in Hawaii).
After a long day, we met Todd back at the hotel and we all headed home... with a sleeping kiddo in the back :)  I don't know that we need to be townies very often, but it's fun occasionally!

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