Wednesday, August 11, 2021

chef gogo

Gordy has always loved to cook with me.  Since he was just a little guy, he'd hang out at the counter while I was cooking and he'd put all of the veggies that I'd chop into measuring cups and then pour them all into the pot.  He'd smell (and sample) all the seasonings before dumping them in and then he'd stand on the counter by the stove and stir the yummy brew.

All of the above still occurs, except for the standing on the counter, so Nana found and ordered a cool monthly activity that comes in the mail called rad-dish.  Each month, a box comes that has a theme (i.e. tropics, Korean kitchen, etc.), three recipes, a cool cooking tool, some fun facts about the country / region, and an iron-on patch that you get to iron on the apron that you got in the first box once you complete all the monthly recipes.  Gordy LOVES it!!

So far, almost all of the recipes have been fun to make and delicious to eat.  And, there's even been a few that we will make again in the future (i.e. Korean cinnamon and sugar pancakes).  We are midway through our box #2 and Gordy can't wait to finish it so he can earn his second patch!

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