Sunday, March 20, 2022

uncle aaron

While Gordy has a lot of pretty cool uncles, one of his favorite is uncle Aaron.  Uncle Aaron lived in our batcave for a few months while he was looking for a longer term situation.  And during that time, Gordy couldn't have been happier.  Pretty much daily, he would find any and every reason to head down to Aaron's place and chat him up.   

When we went places, Gordy would tell other people about his Uncle Aaron and how he is the "fastest backstroker in the deep blue sea" (he isn't wrong).  He would follow that up by telling people about Aaron's five gold metals and then people would look at me with a look assuming that Gordy was making up stories and I'd have to nod and tell them that he's telling the truth.

When Aaron found a new place and moved out, the only thing that consoled Gordy was the idea that we would see Aaron each week at sprints - which we've consistently kept our promise on.  Uncle Aaron also still comes over for dinner here and there and Gordy always gets super excited because he's pretty sure that "Aaron is going to wrestle" him.

Uncle Aaron definitely has a special place in Gordy's heart.

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