Tuesday, May 31, 2022

Bonjour, Paris

We made it to Paris!  I think we averaged about 4 hours of sleep total on our flights between NYC and Paris with a transfer in Iceland. During our first flight to NYC, Gordy was the only one who got any sleep which was partly because he’d made friends with an old anesthesiologist from India who let him stretch his legs across his lap for most of the flight.  Gordy was not quite as lucky on this flight, but we did have a window that I could lay against and Gordy could then lay on me.

Once we got to CDG airport, we hopped on public transport (Gordy slept the entire way) to get to our hotel in the 11th arrondissement. The entrance to our hotel was under construction with a massive hole in the concrete floor that construction workers were standing waste deep in and water was dripping / rushing from the ceiling.  After a few failed attempts by the construction workers to get us to walk through the chaos into the hotel, a nice hotel worker, came out onto the street, picked up Gordy, and turned around and carried him through the madness.  So, Todd and I followed.  Turns out that there’s a leak / water issue, so the hotel is working tirelessly to fix the issue.  And, our room happened to be in the side of the hotel that was not affected by the leak, so we were able to check in and get up to our room.

After much needed showers, we pushed past our nearly crippling want to sleep and we ventured out. We found a laverie where we did a load of laundry and we found an Aldi supermarket with lots of delicious food.  When we got back to our hotel and finished our laundry, we were too tired to go out for dinner, so we sat outside in the hotel courtyard and polished off an entire round of Brie and crackers.  

We were all in bed by 8:30pm and are hoping to get make up a little bit of lost sleep before another big city day tomorrow.

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