Wednesday, October 4, 2023

bullpup all-star

About a week ago, Todd and I got an email from Gordy's school inviting us to attend the end of period assembly where Gordy would be presented with a bullpup all-star award.  Gordy has gotten this award in period 1 of both kindergarten and 1st grade, but we've never been able to attend the assembly (away on a trip, or out sick).  So, this year, Todd and I kept it a secret from him.  We rode with him to school and dropped him off like normal.  Then, instead of biking home, we rode over to the district park and waited for 30ish minutes before biking back and surprising him at the assembly.  Once he saw us enter the auditorium, his eyes lit up.  He got his award and proudly stood on stage with a few of his friends while the rest of the school and parents cheered for them.

We are so proud of our kiddo - great job Gogo!

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