Saturday, June 17, 2017

12 months old

This posting is a little late because our house has been infected with back to back sicknesses.  Todd, Gordy and I spent the worse part of 2 weeks with the flu.  Then, I came down with strep throat on his birthday (I'm pretty sure that Gordy was sick again too).  Finally, I feel like we're on the mend...  

Happy 1st birthday Gogo!
While it's sad knowing that he's growing out of the little baby phase, everything we do with Gordy is becoming more and more fun every day.  He will sit and have a conversation with us for minutes going back and forth talking to each other.  It's just babble coming out of his mouth, but he's pretty sure it all means something.  He's started clapping when he's excited or proud of something he's done.
He can wave goodbye, although he usually only does it after the thing or person has gone away.  He will climb up stairs and slide down slides at the playground.
He will give honi honi's on command.  He will eat frozen blueberries till he's nearly sick.  He will stand up and push things around the house (i.e. his walker, lego wagon, mower).
He loves to "get us" and have us "get him".  And, Todd's pretty sure that Gordy's idea of the best defense is a good offense, because anytime he thinks we may be after him, he "gets us" first.
He loves his blankies more than almost anything in the world and will rub his face in them if they are within sight.  Two more teeth came in (on the bottom) bringing the total to 8!
Happy birthday little man - honi honi!

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