Friday, June 2, 2017

lots of love

Sometimes, after Gordy has fallen asleep, I lay next to him and stare at what I'm pretty sure is the most beautiful thing I've (we've) ever made.  His tiny toes and fingers, his long eyelashes, his protruding ears, his lips swollen from nursing, the little wisps of hair that are just now long enough to lay on his ears, and his perfectly plump pink cheeks.  I can't believe he's mine - mine to cuddle, mine to laugh with (and sometimes at), mine to teach about the world, and mine to love.  I find myself curling up close to him, smelling his baby smell, and giving him secret kisses while he sleeps.  I feel his hair, and softly touch his face until he rolls away telling me that he's had enough.
Then he wakes up and I'm reminded how much more fun he is awake than asleep.  We laugh, we play, and all three of us learn things every day.  
Becoming a parent has made me feel like I've never really understood how much/deeply my mom loves me... and it makes me love her even more.

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