Friday, February 9, 2018

20 months old

Not a whole lot has changed in the last month... Gordy still loves books, puzzles, sidewalk chalk, bike rides, animals, and being chased around the house.  He'll eat almost anything we give him to eat although his favorite foods are apples, peanut butter, granola bars and cashews, all of which he'll ask for by name.  He will feed himself with a spoon.
Todd recently got a baby bike seat for his bike that sits in front of his seat giving Gordy an unobstructed view of the road ahead, and boy does he like it!  he even "drives" the bike by holding onto the handlebars with dada and will make the vroom vroom noises while he drives.
He calls me "mommy" now instead of "mama".  Not sure why, he just changed it one day.  He's started climbing into things (i.e. his kitchen, under barstools, the library bookshelves).  Sometimes it's to poop, but mostly, he's just being adventurous.  
He's figured out that if he puts his socks on and walks around on our floor, he can slip and slide like he's skating - so, we skate around the house at least a few times a week.
He will take turns reading his books with us by babbling at a page and then pointing to us telling us that it's our turn.  After we've read that page, he'll turn to the next one and babble some more before it's our turn again.  And, he really loves to help with chores - putting things away, taking out the trash, watering the garden, sweeping the floors.  He's not great at any of them yet, but he sure makes doing the chores more fun/interesting!
He used to want me to tell him stories while he nursed, but lately he's been wanting me to list all of the trucks that I can think of... man, I sure have learned the names of more trucks than I'd have ever been interested in knowing.  He's started giving hugs and will even pat us on the back while he's loving on us.  And, he's started repeating a lot of the things he hears us say - cool, huge, beautiful, silly, dumb-ass (good one Todd), etc.  Some of them he'll remember and say on his own, but mostly, he mimics words.

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