Thursday, February 15, 2018


We've had a lot of south winds and low tides lately, which to Gordy means - great tidepooling conditions!  We can walk along the beach without getting blasted by the wind and can explore the exposed reef.  Our typical findings usually include sea cucumbers, sea slugs, hermit crabs, black rock crabs, sea turtles, fish, and rocks... yes, rocks.  Gordy must have seen the neighborhood kids picking up shells and things off the sand, showing them to each other, and the kids all bending their heads down to look at what they've found, because that's exactly what he does.  He picks up any old rock or piece of coral, calls out to me to come have a look and then he croutches his head down and points to it as though he's showing me something tiny and spectacular on the rock.  Then, once I've exclaimed how "beautiful" or "cool" it is, he beams proudly and chucks it into the ocean giggling when it splashes him.
Sometimes our neighbor, Sophie, joins us - Gordy loves to play with her.

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