Friday, March 9, 2018

21 months old

The biggest change from last month to this month has been the number of diapers that our house throws into the landfill each day - we are down to 1.5 on average!  One of those is the one he wears at night which is always wet in the morning.  And the other one is his nap diaper which is wet only about 50% of the time.  We still do the pee pee and poo poo dance after each tinkle and toot and give high-fives all around.  Most often he will come find one of us and will tell us that he has to go so we can help him pull down his pants.  But if he's naked, he'll occasionally go use the throne all by himself.  Unfortunately, we end up taking the potty with us everywhere we go, but he does use it, so it's worth it.

Gogo still loves tractors, trucks and all things that go.
He calls Todd "daddy" instead of "dada".
He has started lining his trucks and other vehicles up in a line - I'm not sure if he's organized or OCD...
He loves to help in the garden with watering, digging, rotating the compost, dumping food waste in the compost and worm bin, etc.
After a night of crying on and off and a foam mattress pad for his bed, he will sleep all night from about 7:30pm to 5:30am when he wakes up needing to poo.  He will occasionally spurt off sentences of sounds that he's pretty sure we should respond to.  He'll read a page of a book by saying "bobby, bobby, bobby" and will then point to one of us and say our name to indicate that it's our turn to read it.

A few months ago, against all recommendations, we turned his car seat around to be front facing.  And, while it's not technically as safe until he's two, it's much safer than riding with him sitting on our lap in the front seat.  With his seat facing forward, he's happy enough to climb in himself and will sit happily back there for an average car ride.  We'll take it!
He loves to fly and will jump around at Todd's legs for "more, more more!".
Happy 21 months Gordy!

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