Saturday, March 17, 2018

Waimea Lock-out

A few Fridays ago, we had just finished sprints at Waimea, taken a dip in the ocean, showered in the freezing water shower, and ran to the car to grab towels, dry off and get warm.  Todd lingered behind talking to friends, so Gordy and I hustled, teeth chattering, to get dry enough to get in the car.  I opened one of the back doors, stood Gordy on the seat, and set the car keys on the center console.  I dried him off quickly, threw on his hoodie, gave him a book and a musical tractor, closed the door so he wouldn't climb out, and started to run around the car to get to the front passenger seat where I had left my towel.  Halfway around the car, I heard the car lock and the alarm go on.  I ran to the back door, tried it, and it was locked.  I tried the front passenger door, and it too was locked.  When I peered in the window, I saw Gordy standing on the seat with the car keys in hand and his finger on the lock button.  Dread set in and I began to panic... I frantically began asking Gordy to press the button again, but unfortunately, he continued to press the lock button.  So, against all of the red lights flashing in my mind, I calmed down and explained to Gordy that I needed him to press the other button.  After a few more times of locking the doors, I heard the unlock sound and I quickly opened the front door.  He was only in there for a minute at most, but I'm pretty sure the whole parking lot was staring and judging.  Note to self - don't leave the keys in the car with Gordy.

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