Wednesday, August 15, 2018

olelo Gogo

While most english speakers find it challenging to understand Gogo, he's certain that he makes perfect sense.  For the uninitiated, here's a guide to help:

push dis - I want to turn on the lights by myself
flogga - flower
fagga truck - fire truck
toco - tow truck
forko - forklift truck
simming - swimming
no pukas - I'm full
cergal - cereal
Gogo see - I want to watch / see what you are doing
army trucks - army trucks
dumpa - dumper truck
Sogo - Sanoe
see bas - I want to go down to the garden to look for bugs under rocks
limu - seaweed
unda mommy - Mommy sit on the mat so I can push my trucks behind you through the tunnel
ba - I want a granola bar
happad - ipad
bidi - I want to watch a video of myself
chibu - Snowflake (cat down the street)
bak - bike
shoushou - shower
too hot Gogo feet - The ground is too hot for me to walk on... pick me up or give me shoes!
no please - no thanks (I'm being polite)
up - pick me up / carry me
ambi - ambulence
weeou weeou - I hear a siren
kane - da kine
dis - this
moko - mo'o or lizard
baga - banana

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