Thursday, August 30, 2018

ride subway / trolley please

We are back from a week long trip to SFO/Piedmont and are almost recovered.  One more load of laundry and a swim in the ocean outta do it.  We spent half of the trip in Piedmont enjoying time with family (Tutu, Pop Pop, Adi, Baby Fred, Uncle Greg and Auntie Amanda) and the other half eating our way around San Francisco and riding all forms of public transport (BART, trolleys, cable cars, city buses, taxis).  
We all had a blast, but are happy to be home.  

We think Gordy might be the most excited of all of us to be back home though because he's been running around all day re-finding his toys and going crazy once he finds them as if they've been lost for ages.

Till next time SF...

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