Sunday, July 24, 2022

busy, busy, busy

The last few months since we've been home from our trip have really flown by.  Work was super busy for me, Todd had a few stunt days, Gordy started summer fun and got back into jiujitsu (with Rosalee who he's quite fond of) and moved into the bigger kid class,

Grandma Kathy and Grandpa Tony came to visit,

we took a few gardening classes with Nana,

we re-found the face paint,

we house/Bear-sat for Auntie Erin and Uncle Jamie up at our old sunset house,

Gordy discovered chocolate haupia pie from Ted's bakery,

We went to the State Farm Fair for the first time in 2 years,

we celebrated Nana's birthday at the waterpark and with a pizza dinner,

and we harvested loads of produce from our garden thanks to Jeanette and Tim's wonderful gardening while we were away.

Next week Gordy is going to a Camp Erdman for summer camp.  We are all crossing our fingers that he loves it!

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