Tuesday, November 1, 2022

halloween 2.0

Since last year was such a success, Gordy and I drafted up, cut, and assembled notes with ribbons for our neighbors letting them know that we would be haunting our street again on Halloween night.

We put our notes in everyone's mailboxes and crossed our fingers for participation.  Sure enough, half the street was out waiting for our crew at 6:30pm sharp.  And this year, our mob grew from 2 kids to 5!

We had two witches, a unicorn, a cat, and an astronaut complete with a jetpack made of juice bottles covered in aluminum foil and duct tape.  The kids all had a blast running a muck on the street and the neighbors were happy to have trick-or-treaters again.

Seems like we've started a Kaiea Place tradition that we hope lasts for years to come.

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