Thursday, November 10, 2022

Piedmont 2022.2

We are now home from another wonderful trip to the Bay area!  The cousins had lots of time to play together (which is cool because they are all old enough to enjoy the play).

We did our best to polish off a fresh jar of Tutu's homemade apricot jam using english muffins as vessels.

We saw some incredible sunsets from the breakfast nook in Tutu's and Pop-pop's kitchen.

We played with Gracie.

We visited the Piedmont firefighters.

Played basketball and tennis with Pop-pop.

Thawed our chilled bodies in the hot tub.

Shared a yummy apple fritter from a bakery by Lake Merritt.

And, experienced 5-star treatment at the Warriors-Kings game at Chase Center with great seats (thanks Pop-pop), VIP parking, access to the Chase Club, and courtside seats to watch the Warriors warm up (thanks Bruce)!

We are exhausted from our big adventure, but are over the moon about all that we were able to do in such a short period of time.  'Til next time Piedmont family, and thank you for everything!

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