Friday, August 12, 2016

9 weeks

I realize that we have posted lots (too many really) of photos of Gordy in the bucket already.  However, I have to post another one... Gordy made 9 weeks today, and I planned to set up a photo of him in the pool.  But, before we left the house, Todd thought we should let Gordy play in his bucket for a few minutes.  We helped him to grab onto the sides of the bucket, and, for the first time ever, Todd was able to let go of him completely!  Gordy held himself up all by himself with his hands and used his feet to help him push against the bottom.  So we had to get a photo of it, and we figured it would be a good idea to put the sign in there.  Yeahy Gordy!!
Please note the warning sign on the bucket :)

Tomorrow is Gordy's 2-month check-up where we find out how much he's grown.

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