Wednesday, August 31, 2016

laughing out loud

Today marks the day that I heard one of the best noises I've ever heard... Gordy's laugh.  He's been smiling and opening his mouth as though he's laughing for quite a while, but we've never gotten any chuckles - until now.  Today, after changing one of his nuclear diapers, we lingered at the changing table and played "I'm gonna get you".  He rolled on his side as I went in to get him, so I attacked his right side with kisses.  For some reason (ticklish or just thought it was funny), my kisses were met with an actual laugh!  I must have done it five more times before I made Todd come in and get a video of it.  Sadly, it was a bit dark, so it's hard to see much on the video, but the audio is super cute!

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