Thursday, August 4, 2016

not getting a cat

It was a bit rainy on Sunday, so Gordy and I stayed home while Todd went off to his weekly vball at the bay.  We read some books, cuddled, ate, etc.  Then I started making some animal noises at him to see if I could get him to laugh.  I woofed like a dog and quacked like a duck...  all was going super well until I meowed like a cat.  He stopped all bodily movement for a second, looked me in the eyes, stuck out his bottom lip and made a sour lemon face, before letting out an unhappy wail.  I immediately stopped making the noise and consoled him back to his typical happy-baby self.  But then, I couldn't help but wonder if he was just upset, or if it was the noise that made him lose his mind.  So, I did it again.  Rest assured, it's the noise.  

When Todd came home later that afternoon, I told him all about Gordy's strange behavior.  And, of course, he wanted to see for himself.  This time, we got it on video:
I'm pretty sure that we are super mean parents for making the cat noise more than once.  However, the good news is that Todd can't make the noise the same way I can and therefore, can't torture Gordy with it!

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