Monday, October 10, 2016

4 months old

Our little Go Go made 4 months old yesterday!

From the day he was born, everyone has been telling us to enjoy every minute because time flies by... They were right.  There is no question that he has graduated from being a tiny infant to a fun baby.  He holds his head up all by himself.  He sits up with some help and will stay sitting without assitance for a few seconds.  He wants to be a part of anything that we are doing and wants to eat/drink anything that we are consuming.  We've let him sample some banana, poi, papaya and avocado... so far, he loves bananas and seems to have no preference for or against the rest.  He can't seem to eat enough sand and he's getting better every day at getting submerged in the water (no crying, just a bit of arms and legs flailing and super wide eyes).

One of his new favorite things is sitting in the sand where the waves wash up just enough to get our bums and bellies wet.  And, since the first real swell of the season peaked this weekend, Todd got in some bodysurfing while Gordy ate sand and played in the water to his heart's content!

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