Saturday, October 29, 2016

a night of firsts

After a nice day of lounging around the house, we decided to take a quick trip to the beach before the sun went down.  The ocean was a bit dirty on our street, so we packed up the soft top board and headed to Ali'i Beach Park to enjoy the last few minutes of daylight.  We were in luck!  The winds weren't too bad and the surf was perfect for a Gordy and Daddy tandem session.  Honestly, Todd only planned to paddle him around out there, but Gordy was being so mellow that when a perfect sized little bump came along, he decided to go for it.  The two of them rode it all the way to the sand and Gordy was all smiles from the fun ride :)
It was almost as if his first surf session riled him all up because when we got home, he sat up for the first time all by himself!
Todd thought it would be a good idea to celebrate with a coldie... so he let Go Go have a sip.  And, being the little piglet that he is, Gordy seemed to like the beer.  Quite a day.

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