Monday, January 9, 2017

7 months old

Gordy is the most fun, hilarious, awesome human being either of us has ever met.  We spend so much time just playing and laughing at/with him... it's incredible.  At 7 months old, he's just recently gotten his first 2 teeth (bottom front), he's rolling around from front to back with no problems, and is pulling himself up into a standing position whenever he can find something sturdy to grab onto.  He chews on everything (including us), eats anything and everything that we are eating or drinking, and interacts with us so much more than before.  We are pretty sure that he's weeks if not days away from crawling, which is cool and scary at the same time.  And he loves for us to sing Twinkle Twinkle Little Star to him despite the fact that neither one of us is much of a singer.

Happy 7 months to our little Gogo!

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