Thursday, January 26, 2017

we brush and brush and brush our teeth

Lately, Gogo has been very interested in everything that we are doing - hair brushing, teeth brushing, drinking, eating, etc.  So, we've been letting him join in.  After our showers, when Todd finishes brushing his own hair, he brushes Gordy's while Gordy just sits (mouth open) totally entranced.  We got him his own toothbrush so we can all brush our teeth together, but at the moment, he's more interested in chewing on it than actually doing anything productive.  
We let him try anything that we are eating and drinking and haven't found anything that he turns his nose up at.  He's not that fond of citrus, but he'll give it a go at least twice before he dismisses it.  Todd is sure that Gordy really likes IPAs and cappuccino foam... I may have to put a stop to that.

And, Gordy just had his first driving lesson.  He never left the parking lot, but boy was he excited to be sitting in dad's lap at the steering wheel!


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