Saturday, January 21, 2017

hello honu

Since we are so fortunate to live a quick walk from the beach, we do our best to take Gordy down for a beach session (even if it's only a quick ocean dip) as often as possible.  The beach at the end of our cul-da-sac is usually where we end up.  It doesn't have the best sand, the cleanest water, the best winds, or the sandiest bottom... but Gordy loves it!  A quick walk down the beach will get us to a small puka in the reef with a sandy bottom, and no matter how big the surf is, we can always go for a swim because of the protection from the reef.  The water is relatively clean if it hasn’t been raining too much and the Kona winds are blowing.  And, the reef seems to be very appetizing for turtles, because there are always honus feeding on the algae and sun-bathing on the sand.  A few days ago, Gordy and I went for a quick beach sess and we happened upon a huge honu!
I’m pretty sure that Gordy thought the honu was a rock, and the honu did it’s best ignore us.  

Gordy was happy about our beach session though because, not only did he get a fun ocean swim, he also got in a mouthful of sand while I took advantage of the photo op - he's so fast!

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