Saturday, April 15, 2017

10 months old

Happy 10 month old Gogo!
We are happy to announce that Gordy is still not very interested in walking.  He seems perfectly happy to stick to crawling, which is more than fine by us.  He had a few weeks where he'd dance on command, but that seems to have passed - he won't do it anymore.  Instead, he's taken to giving anyone and everyone a high-five!  As long as the receiver will stick their hand up for him, he'll excitedly slap it.  His 5th tooth came in, with a 6th not far behind it.  He's recently discovered that he can hold himself up against the sliding glass doors and will bang on them like he's a caged animal trying to escape.
To his dad's serious disdain, he's started yelling.  He tilts his head back, closes his eyes, opens his mouth, pauses... and then yells.  Sometimes it's to protest at something, sometimes it's because he doesn't like us talking, and other times, it's just for attention.  Todd is really unhappy about it, regardless.  He's been really loving frozen berries (maybe it's the hotter weather).
And, he's started putting things back in their bucket, box, or container.  While in the bathtub (outside), he will throw all of his bath toys on the ground.  Then, he'll climb out of the tub and crawl all over the ground collecting his toys so that he can put them back in the tub.  He'll crawl back into the tub and will start the process again.  Lather, rinse, repeat!

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