Monday, April 17, 2017

happy bunny day

Gordy had quite an Easter weekend.  It started on Friday with a visit to our friend's farm - 'i'o farm for a tour.  We saw some lambs, fish, mongoose-hunting dogs, and got to pet some bunnies and chickens.   Gordy was a bit shy with the rabbits at first, but he quickly warmed up to them.  The rabbits still weren't as exciting as the chickens though... I mean, what is more exciting than a chicken?!?!  Thanks so much for the tour Chip!
Today, Gogo enjoyed his first easter basket experience (thanks to his Nana).  He was pretty happy about all of his new goodies, but he was especially excited about the plastic eggs :)
He even sampled his first bite of chocolate... And while he seemed fairly happy about eating it at first, he quickly changed his mind and spit it out.  Thankfully, he doesn't seem to have a sweet tooth yet!

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