Gogo made 13 months old!!
The biggest change from month to this month is his walking. I wouldn't say that he's done crawling by any means. But, he's nearly to the point where he's walking 50% of the time. And, while we know that this means running is probably not too far away, we are having so much fun with him on his own two feet!
He still loves his blankies...
and he's been super into reading books lately. He'll sit all by himself, find a book, make sure it's oriented the correct way and flip through the pages until he finds his favorite page (usually one with chickens or roosters), and will smile ear to ear sometimes letting out a giggle. He loves drawers, cabinets, containers and boxes and will spend insane amounts of time putting things in them and taking things out.
He LOVES going to the playground and has actually started playing with and showing interest in other kids.
One of his funniest new things is that he will hold out his food to his daddy as though he's sharing, wait till Todd gets his mouth close to the food, then pull the food away and put it in his own mouth with a laugh to follow. It's now turned into a bit of a game, and although Todd does his best fake cry to make Gordy feel bad, the game continues and Gogo is pretty sure that it's hilarious.
He's not very into actually eating sweets, but if we happen to be enjoying a sweet snack near him, he'll stick his nose and mouth right up to our mouth to get a whiff. Then he gets super excited and claps.
At the end of each month, I feel certain that that month was the best - that Gordy was the most fun he's ever been and how could life possibly get better... and then the next month comes. We love you Goges.
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