Monday, July 3, 2017

won't be long now

In the last week, Gordy has gone from taking a step or two, to walking back and forth between us (up to about 5 or 6 steps),  and will even walk from a table leg or couch back to a toy or other item of interest.  It seems like he's just now realized that walking may be a worthwhile mode of travel... yeahy?!?
Since he isn't quite sturdy enough to walk around wherever he wants, he has taken to pushing anything and everything around.
So, we got him a mower so that we could put his pushing skills to good use.
Another new thing Gordy has started doing in the last week or so is what seems to me to be praying to the ceiling fans.  He puts both arms in the air (sometimes with a toy in each hand), leans his head back and lets out a big sigh.  He'll even do it on command now... so bizarre.

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