Sunday, July 16, 2017

goats, pigs, and chickens... oh my!

Yesterday was Gordy's Nana's birthday, so we decided to spend the day at the annual state farm fair!  
We ate some grilled ahi on rice (which Gordy devoured), Gordy made some friends,
we checked out the plant sale (Nana's favorite part), 
and then we headed over to the farm animals.  Gordy loved the chickens and the rooster.  He was not very interested in the cows.  He checked out the pigs, but only from afar.  He got to pet a bunny.  He thought the sheep were hilarious.  But, oddly enough, the goats were the highlight for him.  He spent lots of time petting and trying to feed them.  Luckily, we found a goat that seemed to tolerate him...
At the end of the day, we were all pooped.  And, despite Gordy's constant pushing of Misha's head off of his car seat, Misha finally scored a headrest once Gogo passed out.
Happy birthday Nana!

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